ooooThe Building Research Institute (the BRI) is a National Research and Development Agency with 75 years of history, which aims to bring sound and orderly development to housing, buildings and urban communities while domestic construction investment (approx. 38 trillion yen: FY2021 forecast) accounts for approx. 60% of total construction investment (approx. 62 trillion yen: same period). For this purpose, it conducts technological investigation, testing, R&D (research and development) on housing, buildings, and urban planning, and training programs on seismology and earthquake engineering, as well as technical guidance and dissemination of their results.
oooo"To realize sustainable and resilient housing, buildings and urban communities" is the goal set in the fifth medium to long-term objectives (FY 2022 to 2027) directed by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. In order to achieve this goal, the BRI has prepared its fifth medium to long-term plan and is conducting various R&D activities that contribute to the realization of a green society toward achieving the 2050 carbon neutrality goal, and to the mitigation of building damage caused by major earthquakes, windstorms, floods, etc. It is also working on new governmental policies and/or technical standards related to building technology. The training programs on seismology and earthquake engineering, designed to give training to the engineers from developing countries, is also contributing to the global advancement of earthquake disaster prevention and countermeasures.
ooooIn recent years, new R&D activities have been advanced from the standpoint of obtaining competitive research funding and demonstrating leadership in collaborating with public and private sectors, and the BRI has initiated new approaches to support development of innovative R&D by private companies. It will continue to give back its research results to the society by collaborating with various entities.
ooooIn order to meet the expectations of the society, the BRI will continue to conduct priority R&D, and work on necessary basic and leading R&D from long-term perspective while focusing on securing and cultivating human resources.
Ph.D in Engineering