ooooCIB Domestic Council of Japan was established in 1975 to promote the interactive connection and cooperation between the CIB member organizations and individual members in Japan.
ooooThe history of CIB domestic activity started in 1959 when Japan’s Building Research Institute (BRI) was approved as an Associate Member. Afterward, BRI became a Full Member in 1964 and was elected to be the first Board Member from Japan in 1968. Since then, chief executives and our colleagues have been involved in the management as a Board Member.
ooooMutual cooperations and information exchanges between research institutes for building engineering are highly required for establishing countermeasures to natural disasters and promoting low carbon housing and buildings. On behalf of the CIB Domestic Council of Japan, I consider that we participate in the CIB activities aggressively.
ooooFinally, we express the sincerest gratitude to the internationally generous sympathy and assistance from the world, after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake.

Dr. Mitsumasa MIDORIKAWA
President of
Building Research Institute
The Chair of CIB Domestic Council of Japan |