
The CIB Regional Office of Japan (Japan CIB Office) has been dissolved in December 2020.
From 2021 onwards, this site will only serve as an archive of the past.
For further inquiries, please contact the CIB General Secretariat.

CIB General Secretariat

359 Kent Street, Suite 300 Ottawa, On Canada, K2P 0R6
E-mail: secretariat@cibworld.org
Website: https://cibworld.org


Message from the Chairperson of DCJ
Members of DCJ
Japanese Page
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The CIB Regional Office of Japan

The CIB Regional Office of Japan (Japan CIB Office) was established in the spring of 2012 by the Building Research Institute (BRI), Japan focusing on;

  • targetted membership acquisition and retention in Japan
  • interlinking within Japan
  • collaboration between the existing CIB Membership in Japan
  • development and presentation to CIB of regional R&D Agendas.

The Japan CIB Office is continuously in charge of the secretariat of the CIB Domestic Council of Japan (DCJ), which was established in February, 1975 with the aim of;

  • promoting the connection and cooperation between member organizations and individual members in Japan
  • contributing to harmonious management of various activities and development

CIB Domestic Council of Japan
CIB Domestic Council of Japan

A general meeting of the DCJ is held once a year. The main topics of the meeting are as follows;

  1. Activities of CIB General Assembly and Board Meetings
  2. Activities of CIB Meetings to which the members of the DCJ contribute
  3. Introduction of new members

In the meeting, the representatives of Full Members, Associate Members and Individual Members have mutual cooperation or fruitful discussion for their activities and their colleague's activities.

The latest, 41st general meeting was held with 28 people in Tokyo on February 7th 2017.


Board Meeting (BO106) took place in Tokyo on 30 and 31 October 2013.
Two Technical Visits and an International Seminar on IDDS & BIM were held related to the meeting.