



  1. Available devices for your presentations are Over-Head projector (OHP), Digital Projector for Power Point or Equivalent. If you need other devices, please let us know in advance.
  2. Deadline for Submitting the paper : January 31st, 2001. Send your contributions to Shin Koyama of BRI, at for e-mail, or post mail with the following address.
      Dr. Shin Koyama
      Department of Structural Engineering
      Building Research Institute (BRI), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
      Tachihara 1, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki 305-0802, JAPAN

  1. Publication of the Workshop Proceedings

    The copies of the contribution papers from WS presenters will be distributed in the workshop as Draft Proceedings of the Second UJNR SSI workshop. The final proceedings of the workshop will be published after the workshop. The corrections and/or minor revision will be possible for the final publication of the proceedings.

  1. The 2nd UJNR Workshop on Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI)


    1. Leave a top margin of 30 mm (for A4 & Letter paper) before typing paper title.
    2. Paper must be written in English.
    3. Four (4) PAGES Minimum paper length (including all figures, tables and appendices), and should not exceed TWENTY (20) pages.
    4. TITLE to be bold, upper case, 12 point Times Roman (or equivalent) and centred.
    5. AUTHORS' NAMES 2 clear lines below title, bold, 10 point Times Roman and centred. Family name is in upper case. (Authors affiliation, Address and E-mail address 1 clear space below AUTHOR'S NAME, in italics (10 point) T.R., centred, then 1 clear line before starting ABSTRACT.
    6. ABSTRACT and Keywords: Bold, upper case, 10 point Times Roman, centred. Text: 35 mm (for A4 paper, or 38 mm for Letter paper) left and right-hand margins, 10 point Times Roman. 300 words maximum of text with NO tables, graphs or photographs for ABSTRACT and not more than 10 Keywords associated with the paper should be included in a separate paragraph following 2 clear lines.
    7. Main text of paper within 25 mm (for A4, or 28 mm for Letter) left and right hand margins and top and bottom margins of 30 mm (for A4, or 20 mm for Letter). All text to be 10 point Times Roman, single column, fully justified.
      • Leave 2 clear lines before new MAIN HEADING (bold, upper case, 10 point Times Roman, centred), then 1 clear line before starting paragraph. 1 clear line between paragraphs. 1 clear line above and below secondary or third level headings.
      • These headings to be left justified.
      • Left justified first line of each paragraph (no indent).
    1. Equations: No indent, number consecutively with number in brackets at right-hand margin. Type equations.
    2. Tables: Caption to be bold, upper and lower case, 10 point Times Roman, centred and placed above the table. Number tables consecutively.
    3. Figures: Number consecutively with caption in bold, upper and lower case, 10 point Times Roman, centred below the figure.
    4. References: Give last (family) name(s) of author(s) and date of publication, all in square brackets, within text. List references alphabetically by last name of first author at end of paper. Book title in italics. Journal paper within speech marks ("     ") then Journal name in italics, volume number, issue number and page numbers.
    5. Type page numbers at bottom of page, centred.
    6. Acceptable media are: CD-ROM, Iomega Zip disk, floppy diskette or email. Transferring as attachment with e-mail will be favorable.
    7. Possible layouts: MS Word (complete file by English or Japanese version), Adobe PDF file, plain text.
      • All graphic elements placed into your document (e.g. equations, pictures, graphs, charts, logos, etc) should be at the minimum resolution possible to conserve disk space.
      • Please link all graphics and supply as described above. If possible also include graphs and images as separate files.


Copyright(c) 2000 Building Research Institute